About project
Project aims to raise awareness about the importance of involving migrants and minorities fully in the civic society as well as sensitising them to understand and appreciate the normality of different worldviews, customs and ways of life among human beings. In addition the project aims to support migrant & minority communities in exercising their rights and responsibilities in society and enhance their feeling of belonging to the community, both local and European.
Project activities include: six public debates in partner countries on questions challenging minorities/migrants and our society; a media campaign on combating the stigmatization and importance of inclusion/integration target groups; and a central event of the project is an active citizenship week(festival) with a very diverse agenda.
We aim to simultaneously highlight minority and migrants’ involvement on a local level and in the larger European Community and celebrate it.
Active citizenship week/festival includes education, cultural and networking events, like: an international conference, trainings and workshops, concerts, performances, food and intercultural fairs. One of the key practical outcomes will be European Report on situation with vulnerable groups and their rights. Around that event, we aim to build an informal network of organizations, governmental institutions, and active citizens working on the ground with migrants and minorities. Partner organisation are dedicate to achieve settled goals and make own input for more inclusive and sustainable Europe as on local, national and European level.
Project activities:
28.06-01.07.2021 Hamburg, prepmeeting – 19 people.
01.07-04.07.2021 Hamburg, Public Debates (Western) – 46 people (from 6 countries)
18.08-21.08.2021 Tallinn, Public Debates (Eastern) – 38 people (from 7 countries)
16-19.09.2021 Barcelona, Public Debates (Central) – 41 people (from 6 countries)
21-24.10.2021 Rhodes, Public Debates (South) – 52 people (from 6 countries)
18-21.11.2021 Göteborg, Public Debates (Northern) – 41 people (from 6 countries)
12-15.03.2022 Brussels, EU high Level debated with vulnerable groups – 96 people (from 12 counrties)
01.05 – 09.05.2022 Tallinn, European active citizens week – 277 people (from 12+ countries)
Project outcomes:
- Media campaign and web-resource development
- A European report on the situation of migrants and minorities in our society and required changes in EU policies (based on the public debated/polls outcomes & experts views) with practical solutions.
- A web resource, that we have dubbed the Intercultural Citizenship Network. This is intended as a platform for networking for organisations/active citizens across Europe who is dealing with migrants/minority issues on different levels of the society, but mainly those who are involved in the fields of advocacy, human rights, culture or education.
- Empowered and tolerant European citizens.
The project “Towards inclusive and sustainable Europe” nr.625735-CITIZ-1-2020-1-EE-CITIZ-CIV was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens. Project is supported by National Foundation of Civil Society.