
Media campaign and web-resource development (ALL PARTNERS)

Media campaign and web-resource development includes:

– Web-resources development on EU languages * (partners languages)

– Setting up print in magazines, outdoors, posters

– E-campaign utilizing all available social media/ web resources – setting up images on  partners websites, on social media, different media sites, spreading info through contact networks

– Producing a Video clip in English, French & German and for local audiences in partners languages and migrants major languages. Indirect participants – 500 000

Outcomes: The wider media campaign is the main overall tool for awareness raising and reaching indirect participants about the project’ central ideas such as the positive contributions of the migrants and minority communities. The resource development for sustainable partnership makes it easy to find migrant/minority organisations, a best practices and useful advices, but is also a theoretical resource on encouraging minority/migrant communities to play an active role in society on local and EU level.