Sillamäe Lastekaitse Ühing / Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare (Estonia)
During these years SSCW has been working actively towards creating a child and youth friendly environment in our society. Each year we have broadened the reach of our activities to initiate broad based and society wide noticeable initiatives/programmes (integration, culture, education, youth work, development cooperation, human & child rights, entrepreneurship, volunteer work, migrants adaptation, family issues). SSCW has conducted more than 250 projects not only on the country level, but lately on an international level including with partners across Europe and elsewhere.
Three decades ago, it started as a regional level organization and has become an recognized organisation which is capable of successfully carrying out projects on local, national and International level. SSCW is a member of various international networks/organisations (EAPN, ALF, AMATEO, Roundtable for Development cooperation etc), also belongs to governmental ECDC joint committee and has a consultative status at UN ECOSOC council.

Fimigrant RY (Finland)
Fimigrant RY is an NGO that offers services and support for people from disadvantaged areas and with difficult backgrounds, refugees, migrants, and people with special needs. We aim to achieve a more sustainable and fair society by assisting the people in need and advancing intercultural dialogue and education to all.We run a workshops, trainings, seminars and information days, teaching people practical skills, and important aspects of socialisation and integration in society, human rights and legal system in Finland, accounting matters and providing information to assist them in setting up their life’s (in case of refugees, migrants and minorities) and own business.
We organize vocational education for kids and youth, like drama and music lessons, youth camps and debates.

Burgårdens Gymnasium (Sweden)
Burgårdens Gymnasium it’s a upper secondary school in Göteborg with mainly vocational training for young people, aged 16-19, with around 1000 students. Students can choose between for instance programs that educate nursery attendants, security, fashion design, hairdressers, make-up artists or animal keepers. We have an introduction program for young immigrants where they can work with the aim of entering a vocational training program within 2 years´ time. There is also the option of combining theoretical studies with internship two days every week as an apprentice. About 60% of the students have an immigrant background. Some have arrived in Sweden with their parents as refugees, others were born in Sweden. Many students have special difficulties in learning (anxiety disorder, attention deficit, autism, dyslexia or dyscalculia). The teachers therefore work in teams where they develop new training methods that better fit this group of students than traditional education.

Paaudzu dialogs /Generation Dialogue (Latvia)
Generation Dialogue is an NGO that was created in 2013 by young people interested in intercultural and intergenerational dialogue as in Latvia as in Europe. Our mission: stimulation of dialogue between different generations through culture and dialogue. Our organization has actively participated in the cooperation projects within members of European Union, Easter Partnership and EuroMed region, especially in Belgium, Sweden, Morocco, Egypt and Turkey.
We are organizing training, conferences, seminars, opinion festivals, cultural events, research and many other civic initiatives. We run initiatives in the following fields: development of Civil Society, supporting minorities/migrants in socialization and integration, training

Jaunimo centras Babilonas /Youth Centre Babilonas (Lithuania)
Youth centre Babilonas is an NGO, having more than 25 years of experience in youth work, inter-cultural youth exchanges, youth camps, trainings for teachers, youth workers and other professionals. It is also highly experienced in organizing seminars, international conferences and other events. More than 14 thousand of young people have participated in our different programs. Our main context is non-formal social-emotional education, citizenship, intercultural communication and cooperation, stereotypes, differences, tolerance, creative-artistic work, learning by doing, etc. Besides its longstanding engagement in youth education, Babilonas has been also working with adults, including the disadvantaged. One of the main topics was intercultural communication, differences and tolerance (thinking about migrants in LT as well). Partnership in EVS and Youth Exchange Network “Creative Cooperation” by sending and hosting organization for youth EVS; Partnership in Grundtvig, Erasmus+ projects.

Bramfelder Kulturladen (Germany)
Brakula is short for Bramfelder Kulturladen. We are a socio-cultural center in Bramfeld, a north-eastern district of the city of Hamburg. Our cultural offerings include theatre plays, cinema, concerts, comedy and literary events for all ages for socialization, inclusion of people with difficulties including refugees, migrants, and minorities. We feature professional artists and give young talent the opportunity to present their skills and discuss important questions for young talents. Brakula fosters international collaboration in the field of arts and culture, active citizenship, and minorities/migrants help. Cross cultural exchanges have taken place with partner organizations in Czech Republic, Croatia, Senegal, Ukraine, Ghana and Burkina Faso. In order to promote civic engagement, we continually give support to new initiatives and groups. Our philosophy is that cultural offerings and active citizenship should be available for everyone.

WE Organization (Netherlands)
WE Organization fulfills its purpose through: Educational/Training and Consulting work in relation to: Migration (Integration & Emancipation) | Diversity, Inclusion & Intercultural Communication | Youth Participation | Entrepreneurship & Social Incubation | Storytelling.
This comes in form of: Talks/presentations; Workshops/co-creation sessions; Tailormade programs. Aiming at fusing society around the concept of ‘understanding through interaction’, WE Organization has implemented several projects and programs with (Schools, Universities, Companies, NGO’s, and Governmental Agencies).

KHAM vzw (Belgium)
Kham vzw is a non-profit organization, based in Brussels. Registered in 2016 as a local organization, we aimed to empower young Roma and non Roma from the quarter via actively participation in the local and youth life. Kham vzw has created partnerships with other NGOs in Brussels working on youth participation. So far the organization work is based on voluntary work. We are building our activities on the basis of the needs on local level as animation for children, trainings for young people, international exchanges and participation in local issues solving

AHEAD mission is to promote human rights education (HRE) as a requisite to strengthen the commitment towards a culture of peace, democracy and solidarity.
One of the objectives is to consolidate HRE as the necessary framework to raise awareness and educate for citizenship and participation, for development, for sustainability, for gender equality and affective diversity, and for intercultural learning. Currently we train professionals from the formal education sector together with social educators, community mediators and youth workers on citizenship education. We are leading trainings on preparing, organising, implementing and evaluating Living Libraries events at local level addressing intercultural education and bringing intercultural dialogue between refugees and locals to the public space.
Ahead is formed by educators and trainers with international experience, members of the pools of experts of the Council of Europe and the European Commission.

CulturFACE – Associação Cultural Para o Desenvolvimento (Portugal)
The CulturFACE aims to promote artistic and cultural sharing to reduce isolation and increase the positive sociability of all citizens. Organisation made up of a communities and professionals with cultural, artistic and social initiatives. Citizenship, culture, communication and interculturality are the tools of our daily lives for the inclusion of citizens. The main objectives is to encourage, develop and promote cultural dialogue between peoples through dialogue, debates, opinion pools, multiple artistic disciplines and establish partnerships and exchanges in the areas of culture, art, education and development. The CulturFACE is part of the Local Plan for Migration, coordinated by city of Lisbon, to establish and maintain mutual lines of communication, understanding, acceptance and cooperation in order to raise public awareness about social dynamics within the scope of entrepreneurship in the 3rd Sector. We work on a local and international level by engagement of all stakeholders.

INSTITUT LUDSKYCH PRAV / Human Rights Institute (Slovakia)
Human Rights Institute is a civic association brings together human rights professionals, volunteers and activists to promote and support equal access to all human rights for everyone. Its main activities include campaigning, formal and informal human rights education, advocacy, reactive activism and media communication with emphasis on new media. HRIs main areas of focus are in addition to civic and political rights, economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR), LGBT rights, women’s and minority rights, fight against hate speech and right-wing extremism. HRI is a member of pan-European network United against racism, ENAAT European network against arms trade, ICAN an European Anti-Poverty Network.

To Spiti tis Evropis sti Rodo /The European House of Rhodes (Greece)
The House of Europe in Rhodes (House), founded in 2000 is an NGO aiming on promoting the European Idea and the communication among the people of Europe. Our vision includes the active participation in the procedure of the European Integration and the creation of a network of dialogue in Europe/EuroMed and the rest of the world. House is a member of the ALF Greece and ENET. The House is active in participating in ERASMUS+ programm, Youth Leadership & Education projects since 2007. The House is dedicated to the UN SDGs and promotes them since their very adoption. We run projects on Entrepreneurship & Sustainable Development for the local community, dedicated to promoting good business practices and initiate projects to be presented and various experts and institutes to speak on innovation, funding and networking. We aims to inspire local NGOs, especially from remote insular or rural areas of its region to become extroverted and promote international cooperation, exchanges etc.