8 events have been carried out within this project:
Event 1 – Preperation meeting in Germany
Participation: The event involved 19 citizens, including 2 participants from the city of Tallinn, Estonia; 1 participant from the city of Riga, Latvia; 1 participant from the city of Vilnius, Lithuania; 2 participants from the city of Göteborg, Sweden; 1 participant from the city of Helsinki, Finland; 2 participants from the city of Brussels, Belgium; 1 participant from the city of Deventer, Netherlands; 4 participants from the city of Hamburg, Germany; 1 participants from the city of Lisbon, Portugal; 2 participants from the city of Barcelona, Spain; 1 participants from the city of Bratislava, Slovakia and 1 participants from the city of Rhodes, Greece;
Location / Dates: The event took place in Hamburg, Germany, from 28/06/2021 to 01/07/2021
Short description: The aim of the event was prepare all project activities, discuss necessary changes and update in the project related technical and content questions, including framework on the content and presentation of the series of debates, media campaign what has been managed by each partner and discussed flagship events EU high level debate in Brussels and European Active citizenship week in Tallinn. We set a new timetable as the spread of COVID 19 and travel difficulties has influenced our work. Partners have approved all necessary changes and update responsibilities amongst themselves and come up with a concrete action plan for execution of the activity plan and targeted results.
Main part of the project was dedicated to the public debates which included following working methodology key elements:
Positivity- the aim is to be focused on the positive aspects of migrants & minority involvement in society. How the target group contribute to the well being of a society or a region like Europe. How cultural diversity is richness.
The benefits of belonging to the European communities Intercultural dialogue – providing a voice to the disadvantaged and a forum where they can be heard and engaged.
Comparative perspective- involving other organisations and communities of Europe.
Each public debate has been dedicated for specific topic.
The public debates has been a two day event which have been included an intensive programme of official discussions, workshops, trainings, study visits, project proposals and development of content for independent European Report on situation with refugees, migrants and minorities in different sector of social life.
Event 2 – Public Debate in Germany
Participation: The event involved 46 citizens, including 3 participants from the city of Tallinn, Estonia,
1 participant from the city of Riga, Latvia; 3 participant from the city of Vilnius, Lithuania; 6 participants from the city of Göteborg, Sweden; 1 participant from the city of Helsinki, Finland; 4 participant from the city of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Hague and Deventer, Netherlands; 24 participants from the city of Hamburg, Berlin, Köln, Flensburg and Bremen, Germany; 1 participants from the city of Lisbon, Portugal and 3 participants from the city of Barcelona, Spain;
Location / Dates: The event took place in .Hamburg, Germany, from 01/07/2021 to 04/07/2021
Short description: The aim of the public debate “Setting into society and strengthening cohesion” was to discuss EU and national policies in terms of migrants, refugees and minorities and exchange of views between different partners and propose concrete proposals/ solutions, policy changes (knowledge and experience-based solutions) for local and international decision makers. Participants came to conslusion that we need to increase inclusion of vulnerable groups (migrants, minorities and refugees) in ensuring more inclusive and sustainable society. Vulnurable groups representatives, experts, decision makers, stakeholders and young people had an opportunity to discuss importance of involvment of vulnurable groups in the civil society, improvement of social chohesion and particularry question related with children and young poeple at local level by promotion of intercultural dialogue and social work. The programme has been consist of plenary, lectures/speeches, panel discussions, workshops, study visits and Round Table / World Café discussions involving all participants.
Event 3 – Pubic Debate in Estonia
Participation: The event involved 38 citizens, including 11 participants from the city of Tallinn, Estonia,
5 participant from the city of Riga, Latvia; 5 participant from the city of Kaunas & Vilnius, Lithuania; 1 participants from the city of Lund, Sweden; 4 participant from the city of Vantaa, Kerava & Helsinki, Finland; 3 participants from the city of Brussels, Belgium; 3 participants from the city of Lisbon, Portugal; and 6 participants from the city of Bratislava, Slovakia
Location / Dates: The event took place in Tallinn, Estonia, from 18/08/2021 to 21/08/2021
Short description: The aim of the public debate “Professional success and Integration” was to think about how to support and integrate vulnerable groups into society and adapt to them in society and the labour market, focusing on the situation of immigrants, refugees and minorities (language, gender, and people with special needs). Partner counties representatives also has exchanged views on local realities with situation on labour and human rights at their on countries and from EU perspective, on the main priority areas for future EU and national integration and adaptaion of labour policies for vulnerable groups, on the role of EU Funds and programms to support national efforts on integration, adaptation, inclusion and on the key role played by multi-stakeholder partnerships in the integration process. Key govermental institutions and stakeholders has shared EU and national tools and abilities for vulnurable group representatives labour-market integration and discover key challanges on this theme.
Event 4 – Public Debate in Spain
Participation: The event involved 41 citizens, including 6 participants from the city of Sillamäe, Tartu, Tallinn, Estonia; 5 participant from the city of Valmiera & Riga, Latvia; 3 participants from the city of Göteborg & Lund Sweden; 1 participant from the city of Helsinki, Finland; 4 participants from the city of Lisbon, Portugal; 17 participants from the city of Barcelona, Spain and 5 participants from the city of Bratislava, Slovakia;
Location / Dates: The event took place in Barcelona, Spain, from 15/09/2021 to 18/09/2021
Short description: The aim of the public debate “Intercultural dialogue & Anti-discrimination strategies” was continution of contribution of gathering materials for development of the content for an independent European Report on the situation with refugees, migrants, and minorities in different social life sectors. We were discovering opinions of the citizens, vulnurable groups and stakeholder representatives how we could more effectively countering violent extremism, racism and xenophobia from European and Euro-mediterranean perspective, the role of civil society in chohision and integration policy, education and Intercultural dialogue. Participants were proposing own ideas and tools for promotion of intercultural dialogue and supporting anti-discrimination in the society. Also as important part of the debate, were to have a dialogue with the European institutions, representd by Esther Pozo, Policy Assistant to the Commissioner for Home Affairs of the European Commission on the theme of “European Commission Inclusion: Intercultural Dialogue and Anti-Discrimination” and on the theme of combating the stigmatisation of migrants & minority groups and their protection, fostering European citizenship and improvement of conditions for civic and democratic participation we finalised our discussion with representatives of European Union Parliament office in Barcelona.
Event 5 – Public Debate in Greece
Participation: The event involved 52 citizens, including 4 participants from the city of Tallinn, Estonia; 4 participant from the city of Kerava & Helsinki, Finland; 4 participants from the city of Brussels, Belgium; 3 participant from the city of Amsterdam & Rotterdam, Netherlands; 4 participants from the city of Hamburg, Germany and 33 participants from the city of Rhodes, Greece;
Location / Dates: The event took place in Rhodes, Greece, from 21/10/2021 to 24/10/2021
Short description: When we talk about inclusion and policy change, we also need to keep in mind a need to discuss how we could “Strengthening democracy and participation” at different levels , and the main aim of this public debate was to answer on question how we could protect and empower the role of European norms and values in our society, how and dose we need to impwrove political education in our countries and how it related with need of ensuring participation of vulnerable groups in building democratic sustainable societies. Together with experts, researchers, CSOs and communities representatives we discussed key themes related with Democracy, Institutions, and the Rule of Law; Education and the formation of the Democratic Citizen, Equal access to the Democratic Process the case for Youth and Women; and of course have a debate on the future of Democracy – from local to European in frame of the format of the Conference on the Future of Europe”. The results of this debates and suggestions from the participated EU citizens and exprerts had additionally valued for a hole project and to the development process of European Report. Additionally to discussions a study visits, meeting and workshops were organsed to increase capacity and colloboration.
Event 6 – Public Debate in Sweden
Participation: The event involved 41 citizens, including 5 participants from the city of Narva, Tartu & Tallinn, Estonia; 19 participants from the city of Lerum, Lund & Göteborg, Sweden; 4 participants from the city of Kerava, Vantaa & Helsinki, Finland; 5 participants from the city of Hamburg, Germany; 4 participants from the city of Barcelona, Spain and 4 participants from the city of Thessaloniki, Athens & Rhodes, Greece;
Location / Dates: The event took place in Göteborg, Sweden, from 18/11/2021 to 21/11/2021
Short description: The aim of the last public debate “Rethinking education strategies for vulnerable groups by mapping of barriers to social inclusion and education” was to look at the integration questions from the perspective of existing barriers for social inclusion and need of rethinking education strategies. In fram of public debates experts and invited participants, citizens and representatives of vulnurable groups had an opportunity to share own worries and existing barries in their integration process and particulary what relates with education field like human rights, non-formal and intercultural education, breaking stereotypes, countering discrimination in education system (by age, gender, national origin and disability) and of course to share best education tools and services what EU members states have for empowerment of vulnurable group to be integrated and fully included into society. For vulnurable groups its also was important to have their say about the role of CSOs and community leader in education system at local level on the themes of intercultural dialogue and Gender Equality, as many members of society need to improve own knowledge and understanding on EU values. We look at the new approaches and get to know with key principles of human rights education and UN SDGs. Experts and target group representatives has shared own experiences on education, inclusion, participation, discrimination, and stigmatisation what has been happening in their lifes and look at the possible solutions.
Event 7- EU High Level Debates in Brussles, Belgium
Participation: The event involved 96 citizens, including 7 participants from the city of Narva, Sillamäe, Tartu, Tallinn, Estonia; 5 participant from the city of Riga, Latvia; 5 participant from the city of Kaunas & Vilnius, Lithuania; 8 participants from the city of Lund, Mälmo & Göteborg, Sweden; 8 participant from the city of Kerava, Loja, Vantaa & Helsinki, Finland; 33 participants from the city of Brussels, Belgium; 6 participant from the city of Amsterdam, Hague, Utrecht, Leeuwarden & Rotterdam, Netherlands; 5 participants from the city of Hamburg, Germany; 6 participants from the city of Lisbon, Portugal; 5 participants from the city of Barcelona, Spain; 3 participants from the city of Bratislava, Slovakia and 5 participants from the city of Athens & Rhodes, Greece;
Location / Dates: The event took place in Brussels, Belgium, from 12/03/2022 to 15/03/2022
Short description: The aim of the EU high level public debates “Civil Society contributions to the EU Integration and migration policies” were to have a high level debates with representatives of EU institutions (members of European Parliament, European Commission), European stakeholder networks, key actors in the field and representatives of vulnurable groups from 12 EU countries where we had participants representing various of groups: language and ethnic minorities, refugees, migrants, Roma & LGBTQ+ community members, researchers, politicians, youth, civil society organisations, human rights promoters, community leaders, state institution representatives and EU citizens. Specific thematic focuses of the event were dedicated also to Naturalisation, Adaption and political involvement; The cultural impact on migration and integration; Political participation of vulnerable group in relation to policy making; Combating prejudice through improvement of education. Together with CSO representatives we discovered the role of civil society organisations in ensuring the integration of migrants and refugees in European Union and with support of researchers we has opened discussion on European policies on integration: needs, possibilities and limitations. The public debate has been a three day event which has included an intensive programme of high official discussions, workshops, training, local study visits across Brussels, development of project proposals and presentation of version version of independent European Report.
Event 8 – European Active Citizens Week (festival)
Participation: The event involved 277 citizens, including 110 participants from the city of Tallinn, Tartu, Narva, Sillamäe, Jõhvi, Estonia; 20 participant from the city of Valmiera & Riga, Latvia; 20 participant from the city of Kaunas & Vilnius, Lithuania; 30 participants from the city of Göteborg and subarea, Sweden; 20 participant from the city of Helsinki, Kerava, Lohja, Savonlinna, Lahti, Vantaa, Espoo, Tampere, Turku, Oulu & Kuopio, Finland; 16 participants from the city of Brussels, Belgium; 10 participant from the city of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Hague, Utrecht, Leeuwarden, Netherlands; 10 participants from the city of Bremen, Berlin & Hamburg, Germany; 11 participants from the city of Lisbon, Portugal; 10 participants from the city of Barcelona, Spain; 10 participants from the city of Bratislava, Slovakia and 10 participants from the city of Athens & Rhodes, Greece; additionally to them there were also other representative of EU citizens and foreign representatives.
Location / Dates: The event took place in Tallinn, Estonia, from 01/05/2022 to 09/05/2022
Short description: The main aim of the European Active Citizens week was to explore the implementation of the EU action plan on integration and inclusion 2021-2027, to raise awareness about the importance of involving migrants and minorities fully in the civic society as well as sensitising them to understand and appreciate the normality of different worldviews, customs and ways of life among human beings and to support migrant & minority communities in exercising their rights and responsibilities in society and enhance their feeling of belonging to the community, both local and European.
The European Active Citizens Week / Festival have been a flagship event of the project and indluded a series of events that has been happened during 8-days and included an intensive program of official discussions in frame of the high level international conference “Inclusive and Sustainable Europe: way forward or step back?”, working groups (about the achievements of integration and migration policies of the EU and importance of inclusion of vulnerable groups into active social life), trainings and workshops conducted by international partners and Estonian hosts, study visits and cultural performances (local and international), exhibition and development of new project proposals plus networking. A special attention has been dedicated to the presentation of an independent European Report on the situation with refugees, migrants, and minorities in different social life sectors prepared by international partners in frame of the programm “Inclusive Europe”. The European Active Citizens Week has connect regional networks of practitioners, policy-makers, civil society organizations, young people, media, and governmental officials. Additionnaly to the key theme we were able to discuss also following qustions:
- Inclusive Society and integration policy from the perspective of the state and social stakeholders on migration crisis
- The EU and Civil Society response on migration crises by setting new action plan for Pact on migration and asylum and supporting migrant & minority communities in exercising their rights and responsibilities in society
- The Civil Society Dynamic on integration, inclusion and empowerment of vulnerable groups at national and European Level
- The barriers to integration and of effective steps to address them – within and beyond the labor market, social cohesion and civic participation at local and national level.
In frame of the project we have achieved many positive results:
- We have organised 5 public debates and an EU High level public debate, with a flagship event the European Action Week with diverse programm, that was organised to celebrate Unity in diversity.
Events included: media campaign, debates, trainings, sharing stories, concerts, intercultural fair, exhibition, creative and educational workshops and an official international summarizing conference of the program. - Participants of the project have gained new skills & knowledge regarding inclusion, participation, overview of local and EU policies and specially migration and integration action plans also discovered the role of civil society organisations in ensuring the integration of migrants and refugees in EU.
- Participants of the project and particularly Civil Society has developed a new set of guidelines and responses on migration crises by setting new action plan for Pact on migration and asylum and supporting migrant & minority communities in exercising their rights and responsibilities in society.
- Through dialogue and education project have increased the communities’ tolerance, intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding.
- Through debates and opinions polls we have collected data (across Europe) on political discourse on local and EU level, on extremist and populist movements, distinct conceptions and
migration/minorities challenges that we used to formulate practical solutions for politicians and stakeholders acting as on national or European level. - Participants have improved own understanding of the EU policy making-process, had a change to get to know more about legal and executive power representatives and participation of EU citizens in the policy making process by full engagement and sharing opinion by proposing practical solutions, empowerment of collaboration and sharing European values like: freedom, rule
of law, equality, participative democracy and promoting peace and stability in our communities.
Name of organisation | Country | below 30 | 30-65 | above 65 | Disadvantaged participants | Women | Men | Total |
KHAM vzw | Belgium | 35 | 18 | 5 | 4 | 18 | 40 | 58 |
AHEAD – Associacion D’educadors en drets Humans | Spain | 12 | 30 | 1 | 2 | 25 | 16 | 41 |
Fimigrant RY | Finland | 15 | 25 | 3 | 9 | 34 | 9 | 43 |
WE ORGANIZATION | Netherlands | 10 | 12 | 2 | 2 | 12 | 12 | 24 |
CulturFACE – Associação Cultural Para o Desenvolvimento | Portugal | 4 | 18 | 4 | 1 | 13 | 13 | 26 |
Burgårdens Gymnasium | Sweden | 28 | 39 | 2 | 3 | 40 | 29 | 69 |
Paaudzu dialogs | Latvia | 18 | 15 | 4 | 5 | 32 | 5 | 37 |
Jaunimo centras Babilonas | Lithuania | 10 | 18 | 6 | 2 | 22 | 12 | 34 |
Sillamäe Lastekaitse Ühing | Estonia | 94 | 43 | 9 | 15 | 78 | 70 | 148 |
Bramfelder Kulturladen | Germany | 34 | 14 | 4 | 4 | 24 | 28 | 52 |
Institut Ludskych prav | Slovakia | 10 | 15 | 0 | 2 | 14 | 11 | 25 |
To Spiti Tis EVROPIS STI RODO | Greece | 12 | 38 | 3 | 5 | 24 | 29 | 53 |
282 | 285 | 43 | 54 | 336 | 274 | 610 |
Counry | Prep.meeting Hamburg,Germnany 28.06-1.07.2021 | I public debate Hamburg, Germany 1.07-4.07.2021 | II public debate Tallinn, Estonia 18-21.08.2021 | III public debate Barcelona, Spain 15-18.09.2021 | IV public debate Rhodes, Grece 21-24.10.2021 | V public debate Göteborg, Sweden 18-21.11.2021 | EU High level public debaate Brussels, Belgium 12-15.03.2022 | European Active Citizens Week 1-9.05.2022 | TOTAL |
Estonia | 2 | 3 | 11 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 110 | 148 |
Latvia | 1 | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 20 | 37 | ||
Lithuania | 1 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 20 | 34 | |||
Sweden | 2 | 6 | 1 | 3 | 19 | 8 | 30 | 69 | |
Finland | 1 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 8 | 20 | 43 |
Belgium | 2 | 3 | 4 | 33 | 16 | 58 | |||
Netherlands | 1 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 10 | 24 | |||
Germany | 4 | 24 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 52 | ||
Portugal | 1 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 11 | 26 | ||
Spain | 2 | 3 | 17 | 4 | 5 | 10 | 41 | ||
Slovakia | 1 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 10 | 25 | |||
Greece | 1 | 33 | 4 | 5 | 10 | 53 | |||
19 | 46 | 38 | 41 | 52 | 41 | 96 | 277 | 610 |
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✔ Programme questionaires
Programme has involved participation of 12 official partners countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Slovakia and Greece.
Totally in project activities directly took part 610 people and thourgh communication and indirect activities 510 143 people.
The project “Towards inclusive and sustainable Europe” nr.625735-CITIZ-1-2020-1-EE-CITIZ-CIV was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens. Project is supported by National Foundation of Civil Society.