“Rethinking education strategies for vulnerable groups by mapping of barriers to social inclusion and education”
FIFTH PUBLIC DEBATE in Göteborg, Sweden, 18-21. November 2021
Overview of V public debate
Key words: vulnerable groups, education (formal and non-formal), language and lifelong learning, social inclusion, policy making in EU, civil society and its challenges, intercultural education, stereotypes, discrimination, working bottom up, best practices and successful cooperation, interdisciplinary work.
The public debate will be a two-day event that will include an intensive program of official discussions, workshops, training, project proposals, and the development of content for independent European Report on the situation in education and cross sectoral areas with refugees, migrants, and minorities.
Date and place: 18th – 21th November 2021 in Göteborg, Sweden (Burgårdens Gymnasium and Museum of World Culture)
Participants: up to 32 participants (up to 16 from Sweden and up to 16 international participants on-site or online) from partner organizations representatives, experts, guests, students/youth workers, teachers, educators, interested organizations/institutions and NGOs/community leaders, networks and individuals representing vulnerable groups.
Participating countries: Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Germany, Spain and Greece.
Official languages: English
Components of the V public debate
– Key note speeches by international experts in the field of education and inclusion and integration policy in EU, civil society, human rights, non-formal and intercultural education, breaking stereotypes, countering discrimination in education system (by age, gender, national origin and disability) and education tools and services – The aim is to introduce the themes to all participants (as the event is open to all) and further elaborate on the continued relevance of these themes.
– Panel discussion sessions, these panel discussions include representatives of many different backgrounds who will highlight the usefulness of creating a comparative perspective, being open to ideas from other countries (regions), and finding common goals and policy approaches.
– Practical working groups/workshops for participants to introduce them to new skills and knowledge with final cooperation results. (Workshop agenda for organizations/individuals related with strengthening cohesion for more inclusive Europe).
A hybrid meeting format Zoom link will be provided only to officially registered participants. An online participation will start on 18th November 2021 at 10.00 am (CET).
REGISTRATION(online form) is open for foreign participants by 30th of October 2021 and for Swedish participants until 11th November 2021
Public debates agenda
18st of November 2021, Göteborg – ARRIVAL DAY
All day arrival from (Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Germany, Spain and Greece) Opening + Dinner
Accommodation provided in Scandic Crown Hotel (Polhemsplatsen 3, 411 11 Göteborg)
19thth of November 2021, Göteborg at Burgårdens Gymnasium – PUBLIC DEBATE WITH OFFICIALS & TARGET GROUPS
10.00 – 10.30 Opening Speeches:
Jennifer Wall, headmistress of the Burgårdens Gymnasium
Susanne Kallanvaara, Teacher at Burgårdens Gymnasium (host organisation coordinator, Sweden)
Vassili Golikov, Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare, Estonia) project leader and educator
10.30 – 11.30 Keynote speakers:
“Rethinking education strategies for vulnerable groups on example of Swedish education system”, Karin Heimdahl, international coordinator, Education Administration, the City of Gothenburg (Sweden)
“Inclusive Education in EU: Digital literacy in the EU and the Digital Area Action Plan 2021-2027”, Anastasia Psallida, representative of The House of Europe in Rhodes(Greece)
“Silencing in education of racialized bodies and subjects” Zahra Bayati, Senior Lecturer at Department of Education, Communication and Learning in University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
“The Role of civil society organisations in education system at local level on the themes of intercultural dialogue and Gender Equality”, Laura Maria Rajala, Director of Fimigtant (Finland)
11.30 – 11.45 Coffee Break
11.45 – 13.00 Panel discussion I : Existing barriers and possible solutions for vulnerable groups in formal education system
- Tatjana Raudsepp, teacher at Narva-Jõesuu School (Estonia)
- Susanne Kallanvaara, Teacher at Burgårdens Gymnasium (Sweden)
- Silviia Nordfors, expert on education Support Service for vulnerable group, Femina RY (Finland)
- Mercedes Valladares Pineda, expert of Madrid City Hall (Spain)
13.00 – 13.30 Lunch
14.00 – 15.00 Keynote speakers:
- “The Role of culture institutions in promotion of non-formal education and formation of intercultural & tolerant society”, Uwe Schmidt, Director of Brakula Culture Centre (Germany)
- “Rethinking principles of human rights education in terms of vulnerable groups” Ljuba Lissina , AHEAD (Spain)
- “Implementation of Non-formal education approach in example of minority school – Tallinn Õismäe Russian Lytseum“, Georgi Botcharov, student of the Lytseum (Estonia)
- “Model United Nations and Civic Education: The Case of Rhodes Model Regional Co-operation”, Georgios Karanikas, The European House of Rhodes (Greece)
15.00 – 16.00 Panel discussion II: Non-formal and Intercultural Education for vulnerable groups in terms of human rights approach and UN SDG goals.
- Rashid Abubakar Iddrisu, director of CEHDA, (Spain/Ghana)
- Maria Rafaela Tziouvara, The European House of Rhodes (Greece)
- Omid Daoud, Das Junge Kleinod(Germany)
- Gustav Karlsson, Burgårdens Gymnasium (Sweden)
16.00 – 16.15 Coffee Break
16.00 – 17.30 Public debates III part (Sharing best practices and opinions)
– Sharing experiences of vulnerable groups on education, inclusion, participation, discrimination, and stigmatisation etc…
Estonian experience: Tatjana Raudsepp, Narva-Jõesuu School
Finnish experience: Jarkko Olavi Rintanen, Vantaa City
Spanish experience: Laura Huguet Fernández, AHEAD
German experience: Daina Arfanova, Cologne University
Greek experience: Maria Rafaela Tziouvara, The European House of Rhodes
Swedish experience: Susanne Kallanvaara, Burgårdens Gymnasium
17.20 – 18.00 Summary
19.00 – 21.00 Dinner + Free time in the City
20th of November 2021, Göteborg, at Museum of World Culture – DISCUSSIONS and DEVELOPING CONTENT FOR EUROPEAN REPORT (working in groups)
Goal: Participants of the project exchange ideas, get new experiences, train their social skills, examine their attitudes and reflect on their values.
11.00 – 13.00 Public debates IV part (Development of the European report content)
– Developing and gathering data for a content of European report in six working groups.
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.30 Public debates V part (Working groups)
Finalisation of content proposals for European Report
15.30 – 16.00 Coffee Break
16.00 – 17.00 Public debates VI part (Meeting with NGOs representatives dealing with education, culture, youth questions)
18.30 – 22.00 Visit to and dinner at Liseberg amusement park
21st of November 2021, Göteborg– DISCUSSIONS and DEVELOPING CONTENT FOR EUROPEAN REPORT (working in groups)
Goal: Participants of the project exchange ideas, get new experiences, train their social skills, examine their attitudes and reflect on their values.
10.00 – 13.00 Finalisation of content proposals for European Report (includes coffee break)
Summary of the event and follow up / Departure
Project is co-funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Europe for Citizens programme.