The V Public Debates “Rethinking education strategies for vulnerable groups by mapping barriers to social inclusion and education” within the frame-project Inclusive Europe took place in Gothenburg from 18th till 21st November.
The idea was to map the main challenges and opportunities of education and inclusion and integration policy in EU, civil society, human rights, non-formal and intercultural education, breaking stereotypes, countering discrimination in the education system (by age, gender, national origin and disability) and education tools and services. Many exciting speakers participated in the discussion, highlighting the usefulness of creating a comparative perspective, being open to ideas from other countries (regions), finding common goals and policy approaches, and integrating through different means and mediums.
The presentations were delivered by Ms Karin Heimdahl (international coordinator, Education Administration, the City of Gothenburg); Ms Anastasia Psallida (representative of The House of Europe in Rhodes); Ms Zahra Bayati (Senior Lecturer at Department of Education, Communication and Learning in University of Gothenburg) and Laura Maria Rajala (Director of Fimigtant Finland); Ms Ljubov Lisina (AHEAD); Mr Uwe Schmidt (Director of Brakula Culture Centre); Georgi Botcharov (student of the Lyceum Estonia).
The second day of the public debates was at the Museum of World Culture, where participants had the final discussions. On the last day, participants were finalizing the content of proposals for the European Report. All results will be reflected in the European Report Inclusive Europe prepared collectively by the partners.
The project is co-funded by European Commission in frame of Europe for Citizens Programme.